집 샤브샤브 (Home Shabu Shabu)

We tend to eat Shabu Shabu at home often! Especially on a cold day. The best part about ShabuShabu at home is that you can dig into the fridge and put whatever you want. It's a good way to get rid of vegetables thats been sitting in the fridge. Overview of the ingredients. I personally... Continue Reading →

Fish and Chips (Cod/대구) 🐟

So I wanted to upload my take on the classic fish and chips. I apologize beforehand to the fish and chip fans. My recipe is my own spin so it might break all rules of cooking fish and chips. 📋 Ingredients 📋Flour for Frying (or tempura flour) BeerSalt/Pepper or Seasoning SaltOil 📋 Preparation 📋- A... Continue Reading →

Salmon, Avocado, Egg, Pita Bread

제시카의 간단 하면서 맛있는 레시피 딱 4가지만 필요해요~ 연어 아보카도 삶은 계란 마늘 피타 빵 아침으로 아점으로 야식으로! Jessica's Recipe! Simple yet delicious You only need 4 ingredients Smoked Salmon Avocado Sliced Boiled Egg Garlic Pita Bread For breakfast, brunch, or a late night snack! 시간 보이나요? 12:50 PM이 아닌 AM입니다 일하고 집에 늦게 왔는데... Continue Reading →

Mille-feuille (밀푀유나베)

원래 저희는 맛집 예쁘고 신기한 곳들 공유하는 블로그이지만 오늘은 제 자랑 좀 하겠습니다. Although this blog is mainly used to share restaurants and interesting places, I would like to take this time to show off my skills. 위에 사진은 밀푀유나베라는 요리입니다. 만들기 진짜 간단하며 먹는 사람도 요리하는 사람도 모두 뿌듯해지는 요리인거같아요. The picture above is... Continue Reading →

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